The Qt Quick Web Runtime
The Qt Quick Playground
Many software research projects end up in the great virtual desk drawer once interst is lost/the key techincal issues has been solved/a general lack of practical utility has been demonstrated.
I'm documenting some of my projects here, as a record
for myself and others that might be intersted. Reach
me at msorvig at
Git Project History Statistics
Git Project History Statistics
Created by parsing the output of "git log", running that through SQL, and then vizualizing with jqPlot.
Commits are counted against the first branch they appear in. Patch size is not accounted for. The branch
names are from the perspective of today - Qt 4.7 was of course developet in the "master" branch at some
point but is charted as "4.7".
QWebClient was a thin client for Qt programs, implemented in pure
javascript that ran in any modern[2009] browser. No plugins were
Blog: qt-in-the-cloud-with-qwebclient
Source code:
Technical highligts includes duplicating Qt's widget hiearachy with
DOM nodes, and representing each widget with an image or a real DOM
node of the correct type (ex. QLineEdit -> <input type=text>). Event
handling was implemented via long polling: dual XmlHttpRequests were
made to a QTcpSocket-based event dispatcher on the server. One
request/socket was always kept open on the server, allowing it to push
events to the client.
Main issues were performance (lots of image data going out) and subtle
text layout issues. Layout metrics was calcuted on the server, but
the actual size of the rendered text on the client would often not