Qt for WebAssembly


Qt for WebAssembly


Qt for Web Browsers

Introduction to WebAssembly and Emscripten

Building for WebAssembly

Qt applications as a <canvas>

Local File Access


JavaScript and C++ Interop

Qt for Web Browsers

(The story so far)

Qt for Google Native Client

Qt WebGL Streaming

Qt for WebAssembly

Why Qt for Web Browsers

Build once, deploy everywhere

No installation required

Security through sandboxing

Platform Stack




New platform for 5.12: Q_OS_WASM

Tech Preview

Host system support: GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows Subsystem for Linux

Build Qt from source

Build Qt from source

$ ~/Qt/5.12.0/Src/configure -xplatform wasm-emscripten -nomake examples
$ make module-qtbase module-qtdeclarative module-qtquickcontrols2

Implicit configure flags: -static -no-feature-thread

Suppored Modules: QtBase, QtDeclarative, QQuickControls2, QtCharts, QtWebSockets, QtMQTT ++

Not Supported: QtMultimedia, QtWebEngine

The fine print

No system cliboard support

No virtual keyboard support on mobile

No nested event loop support (QEventLoop::exec())

No system font support (bring your own fonts)

No accessibility/screen reader support

Build Application

$ /path/to/qt-wasm/qtbase/bin/qmake
$ make

Will produce .wasm, .js and .html files

These can be served from any web server

Build Output Files

Name Source Purpose
app.html Qt HTML container
qtloader.js Qt JS API for loading Qt apps
app.js emscripten app runtime and JS API
app.wasm emscripten app binary

Wasm Binary Size


Modules gzip brotli
Core Gui 2.8MB 2.1MB
Core Gui Widgets 4.3MB 3.2MB
Core Gui Widgets Quick Charts 8.6MB 6.3MB

Application as <canvas>

The application is embedded in the html page as a canvas element

        <!--- App Appears Here -->

The html file controls cavas position and size

The application sees a QScreen with geometry matching that of the canvas

Demo: Slate

Slate - Pixel Art Editor

Image editor made with Qt Quick Controls 2

Also, full viewport

Local File Access

Sandbox prevents direct file system access

Emscripten creates an in-memory file system, accessible by QFile

HTML has API for opening a file dialog, and starting a file download

Not Compatible with QFileDialog - New API is needed

Local File Access

Callback-based loadFile()

    [](const QByteArray &fileContent,
       const QString &fileName) {

       qDebug() << "Got" << fileContent.count()
                << "bytes from" << fileName;

Fire-and-forget saveFile()

QByteArray content = ...;
QString fileNameHint = ...;
QWasmFile::saveFile(content, fileNameHint);


API Protocol Notes
QNetworkAccessManager Http Same Origin / CORS host
QWebSocket WebSocket Any host
QAbstractSocket WebSocket Websockify forwarding host

MQTT over WebSocket

JavaScript and C++ Interop

Use case: The applicaiton is a web page component

We want bidirectional transfer of control and state

Emscripten provides API for JavaScript <-> C++ interop

Call DOM API from C++

Using API from val.h

using emscripten::val;
val document = val::global("document");
val input =
  document.call<val>("createElement", std::string("input"));
val body = document["body"];
body.call<void>("appendChild", input);

Calling C++ API from JavaScript

Export C++ API to JavaScript

                #include <emscripten/bind.h>
                void setColor(int r, int g, int b, int colorSpaceIndex);
                EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(colorDebugger) {
                    emscripten::function("setColor", &setColor);

Make call from JavaScript

                        Module.setColor(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], colorSpaceIndex);

